Monday, 10 July 2017

Jonathan Sdao: Tips for Turning your Internship into a Full-Time Job

Recent Colby College graduate, Jonathan Sdao, has spent the last several months interning at the equity research company, JG Capital in Connecticut. With his Bachelor’s in Economics, he is hoping to gain enough experience to turn his internship into a full-time position. 

Internships are one of the best ways to get your foot in the door. They allow you to make valuable industry contacts, collect references and gain experience for your resume. You want to get the most out of your internship, so here are some tips to help you impress your boss, and hopefully get the job.

1.      Always be the first on to show up and the last one to leave. Even if you aren’t getting paid and don’t think that anyone would notice, treat the internship like a paying job. Always show up on time, never cut out early, and it will get noticed.

2.      If you don’t have any work to complete, don’t sit around waiting for someone to hand you an assignment. Take the initiative and find something to do. This can be anything from taking out the garbage to asking your boss if they have another assignment that needs to be completed. This says volumes about your work ethic and shows your boss how much you want to work there.

3.      Follow all instructions and pay attention to the details. This is a major selling point because it shows your boss that you can be trusted to do the job right, no matter how small the task.

4.      Always go the extra mile when completing projects for your boss. Show your boss you are passionate about the job and that you understand what it takes to get it done. Do the extra research, present options, and double check your grammar. Most importantly, never cut corners.

At the end of your internship, schedule a meeting with your boss to get feedback that you can use in your career search. Johnathan Sdao is looking to turn his internship into a full-time career in the financial markets sector. 

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